By now you should have received your Enhanced Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB) payment for the first 6 month of 2015. The UCCB has increased from $100 per month to $160 for children under 6, and there is a new benefit for children aged 6 through 17 of $60 per month. If you have children…
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Business Tax Cut
Before the summer break the Federal Government passed first reading of Bill C-59 that includes some of the provisions of the 2015 Federal Budget. Included in that bill was a reduction of the Small Business tax rate. The budget calls for the small business tax rate to drop to 10.5% effective January 1, 2016, 10%…
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Family Tax Cut
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has announced that there has been an amendment to the calculation of the Family Tax Cut. Tuition, textbook and education credits can now be transferred from a common-law partner or spouse. The change is retroactive to 2014 and will also apply to future years. CRA has indicated that they will do…
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Corporate Tax Returns
In Canada, our tax regime is complex and continuously changing. It is important for you to understand the tax regulations that affect your business. That is why it is important to work with professionals who can help you manage your tax issues. We know that minimizing your tax burden is a priority for you. For…
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