Recent Posts by account_access

Trustee Fees

If you are the trustee for an estate (executor/executrix) remember that any fees paid to you or other trustees are considered to be income of the recipient. The amounts are either income from business, or income from employment. If the trustee fees are considered to be a result of employment, the trust must withhold income…
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Office in Home

CRA often reviews claims for expenses related to an office in the home of a business or profession. If you want to claim these expenses, your home office must be either the primary place of business or, you have to meet your customers or clients at your home office regularly. If you have another location…
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Secure email

Because we care about protecting your sensitive information and complying with electronic privacy laws we are now using e-Courier to securely exchange files and messages with you. is a Canadian Secure E-mail Provider with all of its servers and personnel located in Canada. Unlike unencrypted e-mail which is equivalent to sending a postcard through…
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Enhanced UCCB

By now you should have received your Enhanced Universal Child Care Benefit (UCCB) payment for the first 6 month of 2015. The UCCB has increased from $100 per month to $160 for children under 6, and there is a new benefit for children aged 6 through 17 of $60 per month. If you have children…
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